This text highlights six examples of a broken economic system which is characterized by extreme social inequality and inexorable pressure on the environment.
As early as 1972, a team of researchers at MIT on behalf of the Club of Rome pointed out in the report ‘The Limits to Growth’ that our continuing population and industrial growth will exhaust the world’s minerals and drive the biosphere into lethal dimensions of pollution. At least since the Fridays for Future movement, the discussion on the climate crisis has arrived in the perception of the general population. The accusation: Current developments will compromise the ability of future generation.
Our economic system functions in such a way that growth is one of the key variables. Even though the discussion and first signs of a shift in the economy towards sustainable development can be seen, the extent of the unsustainable nature of our current economic system is fundamental. The following examples show that something is terribly wrong. Our current system operates at the expense of both: the environment and society.
I invite you to add and discuss further examples in the answers below — there are certainly many more examples of a broken economic system (especially as I have a more European perspective).